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Layoffs: How to Communicate a Major Decision to Your Team

Making impactful decisions is an integral part of a leader’s responsibilities. Whether it involves restructuring a team, reducing the workforce, or closing a project, these choices, though often unavoidable, can significantly affect your organization’s dynamics. How these decisions are communicated is crucial in maintaining trust, motivation, and engagement within your team.

The Importance of Transparency and Empathy

When announcing a major decision, transparency is essential. Employees tend to respect a leader who is honest, even when the news is not positive. However, the way this transparency is conveyed must be carefully calibrated. It’s not just about sharing the facts but doing so with empathy and consideration for those affected.

Start by acknowledging the impact of the decision. Express your understanding of the feelings it may evoke, whether it’s disappointment, uncertainty, or frustration. By recognizing these emotions, you show your team that you are aware of the human repercussions of your decisions.

Structuring Your Communication

It’s essential to structure your communication so that your message is clear and understandable. Here’s a three-step approach that can help :

  1. Explain the Situation : Begin by explaining the context that led to the decision. This might include economic factors, strategic changes, or other external influences. Be specific, but avoid overwhelming your team with excessive details that could lead to confusion.
  2. Announce the Decision : Deliver the decision directly. Avoid euphemisms or indirect language, as this could create doubt or misunderstandings. Be clear about what this means for the team or the individuals involved.
  3. Outline the Next Steps : After announcing the decision, it’s important to focus on the future. Explain the measures that will be taken to support employees during this transition period, including available resources such as career transition services.

Providing Concrete Support

A decision like a layoff or restructuring can cause emotional and professional upheaval for employees. As a leader, your role doesn’t end with announcing the decision; it also involves implementing support measures to help your team navigate this period.

At Leduc RH, we offer career transition services specifically designed to support employees during such times. By providing individualized guidance, job search tools, and coaching sessions, we help employees reposition themselves in the job market. This not only reduces employee anxiety but also helps preserve your company’s reputation by demonstrating your commitment to their future.

Listening and Adjusting

After communicating the decision, remain available to answer questions and listen to your employees’ concerns. Additional information or clarification may be needed. By staying open and accessible, you reinforce your team’s trust and show that you value their feedback.

If you notice that the communication hasn’t had the desired effect or misunderstandings persist, be prepared to adjust your approach. Sometimes, repeated communication or a follow-up meeting may be necessary to ensure everyone is on the same page.


Communicating a major decision is a delicate exercise that requires preparation, transparency, and a dose of empathy. By carefully structuring your communication, providing adequate support, and remaining attentive, you can mitigate the negative effects of these decisions on your team. Moreover, by integrating career transition services like those offered by Leduc RH, you show your employees that, despite the changes, their well-being and future remain at the forefront of your concerns.

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