
What is Outplacement in 2024? Everything you need to know

Written by Leduc RH | Sep 19, 2023 1:57:03 PM

When it comes to addressing the termination of an employee, no matter the circumstances, it is important to find the right words to say. Deciding when and how to do so can also be difficult. However, there are steps you can take to make this process easier for both the employee and the organization.

One option is to offer outplacement services to the employee. This can help them transition to a new job and make them feel valued by the company. It is crucial to clarify the implications of the outplacement service and offer it sincerely.

What is career transition, employee redeployment, and outplacement?

Career transition, also known as Outplacement and sometimes reassignment, is a service aimed at assisting an employee, often during a layoff, in their career transition and reorientation. Career transition programs include various services, such as resume writing and job search assistance. Many companies provide these services as part of a severance package to help employees through this transitional period.

In addition to practical aspects, the professional guidance of a career transition program provides much more than just resume writing. A certified career management coach can help individuals overcome the intense emotions that often accompany a career change. This supportive presence is a valuable asset throughout the process.


The benefits of career transition, employee redeployment, and outplacement:

When it comes to ending an employment relationship, the goal is to make this announcement as clear as possible for both the organization and the employee. Utilizing a career transition service (outplacement, redeployment) can ease this process and allow both parties to part on a positive note. Here are some advantages of using a career transition and outplacement service:

  1. Facilitates the transition to a new job for the employee.
  2. Promotes a positive approach for the affected employee.
  3. Provides emotional support during this period of change.
  4. Helps avoid potential legal disputes.
  5. Promotes a positive brand image for the organization, both internally and externally.


Best practices

Several specialized firms offer these services. Some focus on job search assistance, while others offer more comprehensive programs exploring new career management perspectives. Since career transition programs can vary from one firm to another, it is essential to conduct thorough research and find the best solution for your employees.

Here are some best practices to look for in a career transition program:

Personalization of the service

Each individual has specific transition needs. When choosing a career transition company, it is important to clarify the degree of flexibility provided to individuals to personalize their program based on their needs.

Use of technology

Technology plays a crucial role in job searching. A career transition program should allow the use of technology as a tool to assist participants. However, it is essential to emphasize that technology cannot replace the intervention of a transition coach. A career transition coach can help participants manage the stress of job loss and deal with the uncertainties that come with it. Programs that strike the right balance between technology and human support should be preferred.

PRofessional guidance

Career transition programs are of great value to those who benefit from them. Quality guidance can make an incredible difference in the results obtained during the job search process. When searching for a career transition company, prioritize one that works with certified coaches with a strong understanding of career management and the job market. In addition to helping individuals develop job search strategies and prepare for interviews, a certified coach can assist them in clarifying their decision-making process and planning their long-term career.

Organizational support

Times of change are challenging for both organizations and individuals involved. Firms specializing in career transition can offer support to the organization before, during, and after announcing an employee's departure. Immediate support from transition professionals on the day of the announcement is recommended to assist the HR team and leadership. On the day of separation, transition professionals can engage with former employees immediately to help them take the first steps in the right direction.

Putting the human at the center of interventions

Career transition is not merely a formality for a company but a deliberate choice to provide support to an individual going through a change. Career transition services must prioritize the individual in their interventions. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, career transition services should be tailored to the needs of each individual, aiming to help them find a new job that best aligns with their skills and experience.

If you are considering using a career transition (outplacement, redeployment) service, make sure to choose a reputable and experienced provider. Conduct thorough research and ask questions. Once you have selected a firm, communicate your expectations and goals clearly to ensure a fruitful collaboration.