
The Human-Centered Approach to Our Outplacement Services

Written by Leduc RH | Aug 6, 2024 5:08:32 PM

In an era where corporate restructuring and layoffs are common, it’s easy to overlook the human aspect of these transitions. At Leduc RH, we understand that how an organization manages layoffs can have lasting impacts on its future operations. That’s why our outplacement services are not just a necessity but a cornerstone of corporate responsibility. Here’s how we outline our comprehensive and compassionate approach to supporting both organizations and their laid-off employees, ensuring that each individual receives the necessary support.


Organizational Support: Strategic and Considered

Centralized Planning and Coordination

Managing layoffs requires more than just logistical arrangements; it demands a strategic vision to ensure that interventions are aligned and coordinated. We offer centralized support for local, national, and international layoffs, ensuring that our interventions are in line with the organization's overall goals and strategy. This approach not only simplifies the process but also ensures clear communication throughout the organization, minimizing the risk of confusion and miscommunication. It ensures that interventions are well-structured and that all stakeholders are supported and prepared to announce upcoming changes.

Summary Report

In the days following the layoff announcement, we share a summary report with the organization that reflects the general sentiment and identifies areas requiring targeted interventions. We provide an overview of sensitive areas and identify those needing special attention, offering a general view of overall reactions and making specific recommendations. By communicating these insights, we help the organization better understand the needs of both departing and remaining employees, allowing them to adjust support strategies accordingly.


Support for Laid-Off Employees: Compassionate and Comprehensive

Immediate Assistance

The day of a layoff announcement can bring uncertainty and emotions for all parties involved. Recognizing this, we deploy specialized support immediately. The presence of emotional support professionals and career coaches helps stabilize employees' emotions and provides guidance from the outset. This can reduce the initial shock and help employees begin to envision their future.

Organizational Psychologists

Our organizational psychologists are available to provide immediate emotional support when needed. Their intervention helps mitigate the psychological impact at the time of the announcement and defuse emotions. Their involvement is sometimes necessary to help employees process the initial shock and mentally reposition themselves.

Career Coaches

Our career coaches engage with each individual affected by the layoff to ensure they have access to the necessary support and to introduce them to the services available. This reassuring presence lets all parties know that support will be available beyond the announcement, providing personalized guidance for their career transition. Our coaches will assist them throughout their program in creating action plans, identifying transferable skills, and exploring new professional opportunities.


Ongoing Support

Our commitment doesn’t end after the first few days following the announcement.

Direct and Individual Communication

Each laid-off employee receives personalized communication from our career coaches in the days following the announcement. This intervention ensures follow-up and detects any feelings that need to be addressed. This personalized approach ensures that each employee receives the most appropriate support for their situation and introduces them to the services available to them.

Dedicated Hotline

We provide a 1-800 hotline, offering continuous access to career management resources. This service allows employees to ask questions, receive advice, and feel supported at any time. The constant availability of a support line offers extra security to employees, enabling them to seek help when they need it, which is particularly useful for those who may hesitate to express their concerns in person.


Why These Measures Matter

Supporting Change

Whether for those affected, the remaining employees, or even the managers, layoffs represent a time of change. Our approach aims to support this change by offering comprehensive support and ensuring that each individual feels heard and respected.

Reducing Anxiety

By offering structured and compassionate support, we can help reduce the inevitable anxiety associated with job loss. This approach not only aids in the emotional recovery of affected employees but also stabilizes the organizational climate, preserving the morale of remaining employees. By providing resources from the day of the announcement, we contribute to their overall well-being, reducing the risk of stress-related issues.

Maintaining Motivation and Engagement

By acknowledging the emotional challenges and providing resources to departing employees, those who remain can see that the organization has taken care of their colleagues. Employees are more likely to stay engaged when they see their peers being well supported. A positive corporate culture enhances employee satisfaction and can reduce potential departures.



At Leduc RH, we believe that addressing these changes with compassion and respect is not just an ethical matter but the best long-term strategy. Our human-centered approach to employee outplacement reflects our commitment to supporting individuals during this period of change, providing them with the necessary tools and support. This strategy not only benefits those directly affected by layoffs but also improves the overall sentiment within the organization. For more information on our outplacement services and how we can help guide your organization through these transitions, please visit our service page or contact us. We are here to help your organization navigate this period of change.